BiocomCRO Member Finalist for MetroConnect Grand Prize
Tioga Research has been selected as a finalist for the MetroConnect Grand Prize. The MetroConnect program, organized by the City of San Diego through the World Trade Center (“WTC”) and underwritten by JPMorgan Chase, is designed to promote the exporting activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in San Diego, across all industry sectors. Being chosen as one of four finalists, Tioga Research has the opportunity to represent the San Diego life sciences and CRO communities on the grand stage.
The Grand Prize winner is selected by in-person audience vote at the Grand Prize Pitchfest on the afternoon of Thursday June 7th (details below). We hope that all members of the BiocomCRO community will attend this final event in support. Those BiocomCRO representatives who are able to attend are invited to stop by the Tioga Research table to meet more members of the Tioga Research team.
Event Details:
Thursday June 7th 2018
2:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Location: Farmer & the Seahorse, 10996 Torreyana Road, San Diego, CA 92121
Registration: Grand Prize Pitchfest EventBrite link
50% Discount Code: “MC2018”